The animation shows a 3D model of Stuttgart and its surroundings over an area of over 250km². It contains buildings, streets and all railway lines to be built.
Animation DB Stuttgart 21 Construction Progress
Concept / Content / Animation / CG Production
The CG animation visualizes the current construction status of the Stuttgart 21 railway project and the new Stuttgart-Ulm line.
In the Stuttgart area and on the new Wendlingen-Ulm line, construction is taking place at numerous locations. As an overview of the various tunnel and bridge construction sites and the many other measures concerning the railway project, the construction progress is visualized at regular intervals in the form of CG animations.
The Stuttgart-Ulm railway project comprises the new arrangement of the Stuttgart railway junction (Stuttgart 21) and the new Wendlingen-Ulm line.
The construction project is the largest expansion of public rail transport in Baden-Württemberg since the 19th century. The animation illustrates the enormous scope and complexity of the project. Thus, it becomes clear which challenge has to be mastered and which technological peak performance is required. The animation is supplemented by real images and film footage of the actual construction work.
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Visualization construction progress