3D Visualisation Porsche 911 Magic Cards Renderings
Concept / Art Direction / Dataprep / Shading / Lighting / Compositing
For a direct marketing campaign of Porsche AG, images were produced that were used in so-called "Magic Cards". The images each show the vehicle from the outside and the technology behind it.
The images were inserted in a high-quality cardboard box with a sliding mechanism. The customer thus had the possibility to switch between the individual states.
Client Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
Challenge 3D Visualisation, Still Renderings, Dataprep, Shading, Lighting, Compositing
Highlights Cardboard box with sliding mechanism
Technology Full CGI with real backplates
Devices -
Partner Chromedia Dialogue marketing München

Beyond dimensions
Realistic 3D visualization of your products. We understand what we visualize!