Digitalisation in employee training

"Lean Production" whose core consists of optimized production chains, continuous improvement processes and error minimization also have an impact on employee training, which must continue to develop with the same demands. Industry 4.0 focuses on process optimization through digitization, robots and automation. This is a subject area that consumes immense research funds and resources.

Collaborative work

Human and robot

[Translate to Englisch:]

Collaborative work between humans and robots is just one of the interesting advances in this area. If we project these developments into the future, it is foreseeable that humans will no longer be needed in large parts of production.


From today's perspective, it is difficult to say when this point in time will be reached. What is certain is that there will still be a great many people in modern production by then.


But is the human being in production really a discontinued model? In principle, they are flexible, have universal intelligence and can implement complex work processes. Actually, an optimal production resource. On the other hand, there are unskilled workers who have to operate complex machines, frequently changing employees and production relocations to other sites. In other words, people are in danger of being overwhelmed by their work and their working environment.

Zusammenarbeit von Robotern und Menschen

Human and robot Learnings

What is to be concluded from this? New ways must be found to give people the chance to understand their work and their means of production. These ways must be efficient enough to enable people to do their jobs in the best possible way with the little time available. The training method must promote communication.

To the company on the other hand, they should give the chance to learn from feedback and observation /learning analysis, in order to constantly improve the training methods and processes. Effective training of employees is the key to efficient production.

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